Thursday, September 20, 2012

Say hello to the newest member of my family...

Hi ladies!

I know it's been entirely too long since I have shared anything, but I have good reasoning for that (or at least I think so).  I'm the newest member to the family at Fogelman Management Group and have been working longer hours and studying for my position.  Who needs to be good these days?  Hang with me... I have a point.

In light of becoming the newest member there, my very handsome, attentive, firearm-addicted boyfriend surprised me with a Heritage .22 Rough Rider Revolver.  Say what?  Exactly.  That man of mine remembered which revolver I have dreamed of acquiring and surprised me with it.  What's better than just getting the generic .22 RR?  The RR came with another cylinder for the .22 Mag...and the optic sights are amazing.  It may sound like I'm just trying to sell this revolver, but look at its beauty for yourself.  Ladies, there is very minimal recoil on this revolver.  I shot many, many rounds through a Colt .22 revolver this past weekend and my arms never became fatigued in the slightest.

In celebration of the new position (but mostly the new .22 RR), I will be going through the steps of cleaning and maintaining a firearm in the days to come.  A gun is one of the bigger investments you'll make in your lifetime and it's important that you protect it just like anything else.

**Remember, the #1 rule of gun ownership is "Always act as if the firearm is loaded".  Check it and check it again.  Safeties are there for a reason.  In my home, I keep my .22 RR loaded for protection, but will always leave one bullet out of the cylinder just in case the safety should fail.

Happy shooting!

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